REAL people, with REAL problems get REAL support--right HERE

As many of us make our way through the busy holiday season, I wanted to take a moment to share my appreciation of our Hub staff, who every day show up and provide support to Philipstown residents. During the past week alone, 7 new community members walked through the Hub's doors looking for services. We know that we live in a small town and how significant a number this is.

Putting my Executive Director hat off to the side for a moment, as a Philipstown resident, I feel so fortunate to have mental health and addiction advocates available right down the road from where my family lives and my children go to school. What a true miracle.

A miracle made possible because of our community of supporters who have stepped up to make the Hub a reality. Your donations are at work every day--helping REAL people, with REAL problems get REAL support--right HERE, in Philipstown.

Please take a moment in the midst of your busy holiday season holiday to give to Philipstown Hub today if you haven't done so already.

And as you navigate your own challenges in life please know that there is always help available at the Hub at 845-809-5050 or

Happy December Philipstown Friends!
Health and Hope,

Danielle Pack McCarthy
Executive Director
Philipstown Behavioral Health Hub