Recovery Month

One year ago today, we opened the door of Hub's headquarters at 5 Stone Street in Cold Spring. On that very first day, local residents stopped in to share stories of their loved ones who were struggling with addiction and mental health challenges--and it became apparent that this organization could fill an important role in our community.  

This September looks very different for most of us as we continue to make our way through the uncharted territory of a pandemic, but the importance of sharing our stories and talking about addiction and mental health are needed now more than ever.  Since the pandemic began, we have seen a greater and more urgent need for our services in the community.   People call us who do not know what to do if someone close to them is struggling or if they themselves need help in a judgment-free environment navigating the challenges of mental health and addiction.

Welcome, New Care Coordinator!

To help us serve even more of our neighbors, we recently hired Julianne O'Reilly, a new Care Coordinator. Welcome Julianne!  We are thrilled to have you here.  Julianne can be reached at

Recovery Month 

Every September, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) sponsors Recovery Month to increase awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders and celebrate the people in recovery. Many of you have likely heard the phrase 'relapse is part of recovery'. What is meant by this is that relapse--with mental health or substance use challenges does not--and should not--signal failure. Rather, it is part of a longer journey towards wellness. Countless individuals--our neighbors and friends, work and live among us and are vital, active pieces of what makes Philipstown strong. The Hub's Community Conversation on September 17th at 7pm hopes to celebrate this with local residents in recovery sharing their own mental and health and addiction stories of recovery. 

Ernie and Joe: Crisis Cops 

Also, please join me on September 25th for the Depot Docs screening of Jenifer McShane's compelling new film Ernie and Joe: Crisis Cops, which follows San Antonio, Texas police officers Ernie Stevens and Joe Smarro, who are diverting people from jail and into mental health treatment. I will be taking part in the virtual discussion following the film.

National Suicide Prevention Month 

Finally, September also marks National Suicide Prevention Month. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline's #BeThe1To message for this month and beyond is a powerful reminder of actions that we can all take to prevent suicide. The Lifeline network and its partners are working to change the conversation from suicide to suicide prevention, to actions that can promote healing, help and give hope. More information can be found by clicking here and you can add the Lifeline number to your contacts at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Learn More About Lifeline

If you have a family member or friend who is struggling with mental health and addiction issues, please encourage them to call the Philipstown Hub at 845-809-5050, confidentially text 845-260-1001, or email

Health and hope,

Danielle Pack McCarthy

September 2020